Please fix this, Pocket ! These days of open and inter-operable web services, users are only attracted by valuable functionality, clean UX design and no lockins. This is deplorable, because otherwise, Pocket is a very polished and well-functioning piece of multi-platform and multi-device software/app/web service, with a very easy and well-designed and implemented user interface. no save dates nor any of your personally curated tags, nor any other useful meta-data. html file that Pocket generates currently included only the URLs themselves, i.e. Personally tested the export "feature" and the resulting. your bookmarks and tags), it is essential that a total, fair and open export (including all tags) functionality is provided. RSS is a format for syndicating news and content. So, if you are going to invest a lot of your personal time and energy in curating your Internet findings (i.e. Thousands of news sources make their content available, free, to users of RSS newsreaders, also known as aggregators. Kippt, Spingpad, Delicious (to some extent), etc.). WSJ - World News, Breaking News Headlines and Analysis Latin America Colombia’s Election Is Latest Blow to Latin America’s Political Center The U.S.’s top regional ally joins countries across Latin. Too many bookmarking and tagging companies have stopped or have gone bankrupt these last years (e.g.

This is very sad, unfortunate and creates a no go decision for any seasoned user. Correct and open export of bookmarks and tags are not possible This means that Pocket is (currently) a total lock-in.